Dear Parents,
I unfortunately will have to close the school early today because of an emergency situation. All water supply to the TW17 area has been stopped due to a burst water main. The information on the Affinity Water website with regard to this incident, and which was posted at 10.10am, says that they anticipate the repair will take approximately four to five hours. Because the school has no water supply we are
- Not able to provide any cooked food at lunch or meet the necessary hygiene standards to prepare food
- Provide any drinkable water for staff or students
- Use any of the toilet facilities or handwashing facilities and thus not meet any basic health and safety standards.
What will happen now?
- All students will be told in the next hour that the school will be closing at 1.00pm. Some sandwiches and drinks, etc. will be available from the canteen if they wish to purchase them as they leave school
- Any students who are unable to make their way home at this time will be supervised in school until 2.30pm
- We would appreciate contact from parents before 1.00pm if you wish us to look after your child rather than them going home
- We will email you later today with information about the school day tomorrow.
We have had confirmation the school buses will be at the school for 1.00pm.
This information will posted on the school website, as well as any updates.
Peter Rodin