Letter from Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for Schools
Thamesmead School is delighted to have received a letter congratulating staff and students on our excellent GCSE exam results, from the Minister of State for Schools.
The school has been highly commended for our excellent improvement in GCSE results between 2013 and 2015.
Mr Gibb said in his letter…
“Your school is one of the top 100 non-selective state-funded schools in England showing the greatest sustained improvement in the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A*-C grades, including English and mathematics GCSEs. Ensuring your pupils are achieving at least the benchmark standard of attainment at Key Stage 4 provides a strong basis for their further education and employment.”
This follows the recent award for our pupil premium results and the Good Schools Guide Award for music indicating excellent achievements for all of our students at Key Stage 4.
Pupil Premium Excellence Award