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Curriculum Information for Key Stage 3 students
Welcome to the DT and Food department
Our aim is to give all students an experience of solving design problems with creativity. Helping them to develop communication, analysis and making skills throughout each year. They will use a variety of different materials and techniques and develop each skill as they move through from year 7 to 9.
Design Technology runs on a carousel system. Different classes will do each rotation at different times in the year to allow for specialist rooms to be timetabled correctly. Each project runs independently to each other, covering varied aspects of the Design Technology curriculum.
The Design and Technology topics will I study in KS3 (years 7, 8 & 9) are shown below
Below is a link to the Food and Nutrition subject mission and rationale
Food and Nutrition Subject Mission and Rationale

Can I study this at KS4?
‘Design and Technology’ and ‘Food Preparation and Nutrition’ are both available at GCSE level
Are there any enrichment opportunities in school?
Carpentry club often runs depending on interest.
What could I do/read at home to help myself or where could I visit to help my learning?
Any programs or books that encourage an awareness of construction, design awareness, sustainability, mechanisms, materials and cookery are a good place to start.
Useful websites: