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Curriculum Information for Key Stage 3 students
Welcome to the Geography department
To equip students with a balanced understanding of the human and physical features in the world around them, with an emphasis on sustainable development.
Students will cover a range of human and physical topics from Agriculture to Waterfalls, and investigate the interrelationships between them.
What topics will I study in KS3 (years 7, 8 & 9):

Can I study this at KS4?
Students can choose to study Geography as one of their option choices.
Are there any enrichment opportunities in school?
Students will go on a field trip to Shepperton as part of their settlement studies in Year 7. In Year 8 students take part in a trip to Bocketts Farm as part of the primary activities’ topic.
Students can be a participant in the Eco Schools Club, and take part in the ‘Capture the World’ fortnightly photography challenge.
What could I do at home to help myself or where could I visit to help my learning?
To make sure you re-read your class notes, re write them if they are unclear. Complete the literacy sheets and highlight keywords in classwork. Make sure all sheets are trimmed and stuck in, in the correct order.
Useful websites: (geography section)