KS4 – Year 10, 11

Academic Year 2022-23

On the linked pages (to the right) you will find details of both the core National Curriculum subjects and those optional subjects that are on offer at Thamesmead.

Some of the core subjects are ‘non-qualification subjects’ that do not have any exams and do not lead to a certificate. However, it is important that students study these courses as they will help them develop and prepare them for their future.

The core subjects are:
• English GCSE
• Mathematics GCSE
• Science GCSE
• Physical Education (‘Core PE’ is a non-qualification subject)
• Religious Studies GCSE (‘RPE’)
• Personal Development (non-qualification subject; includes careers, sex and relationships education and key
skills development previously known as Citizenship)

For useful information on the GCSE grading system, for those who are unfamiliar with it, please watch this short film