Marathon Run – Please donate

We’re delighted to report that Mr Reeves and Miss Phillips successfully completed the gruelling 26.2 miles of the Brighton Marathon on Sunday! They were both running to raise vital funds needed for our mini buses.

thank you to all those parents who have already generously donated using gift aid, via the virginmoneygiving link: Mini Bus Fund. To date we have raised in excess of £7,800 (which includes £3,000 from the Friends of Thamesmead and £500 from the Shepperton Rotary Club).

Unfortunately the funds raised are still somewhat short of our £25,000 goal to replace one of our mini buses. The situation has now become more urgent, as over the Easter holidays, one of our vehicles was taken out of service. We are now left with reduced facilities to transport sports teams on fixtures, our Year 10 and 11 students on college trips and the other extra-curricular use that was planned for the summer term.

It is disappointing that we have to ask parents/carers to contribute to such items as this but with the cuts to Education funding, unfortunately, we have no choice.  For those parents/carers who have not yet donated please consider going to: Mini Bus Fund. If the parents/carers of every student in the school donated just £20 to the fund, we would be in the position to replace a minibus immediately.

Many thanks, in anticipation of your support.


If you would like to discuss any aspects of fundraising at Thamesmead School, please contact Sheelagh McCarthy, Development Manager –   or telephone 01932 219400