Acronyms and Abbreviations used in School
AHT | Assistant Headteacher |
CEIAG | Careers Education Information and Guidance |
CEOP | Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre |
CL | Curriculum Leader |
D&T | Design and Technology |
DfE | Department for Education |
DofE | Duke of Edinburgh |
DPO | Data Protection Officer |
ECT | Early Career Teachers |
EWO | Education Welfare Officer |
FE | Further Education (post 16) |
FSM | Free School Meals |
GCSE | General Certificate of Education |
HE | Higher Education (post 18 – university) |
HL | House Leader |
HoY | Head of Year |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
IiC | Investors in Careers |
IiP | Investors in People |
INSET | In-service Training |
KS 3 | Key Stage 3 – Year 7,8,9 |
KS 4 | Key Stage 4 – Year 10,11 |
KS 5 | Key Stage 5 – 6th form education |
Level 2 | Qualifications equivalent to GCSE level |
Level 3 | Qualifications equivalent to A level |
LAC | Looked after children |
MFL | Modern Foreign Languages |
PEP | Personal Education Plan |
PSHE | Personal, Social and Health Education |
PTA | Parent Teacher Association |
QTS | Qualified Teacher Status |
SAR | Subject Access Request (see Data Protection or Exams for specific Summer 2020 Exam SAR) |
SCITT | School Centred Initial Teacher Training |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities |
SENCO | Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator |
SIMS | School Information Management System |
SL | Subject Leader |
SLT | Senior Leadership Team |
TA | Teaching Assistant |
UCAS | Universities Central Admissions Service |
VLE | Virtual Learning Environment |