For more details please click here
About the competition
The Surrey Police wildlife photography competition has been set up to give school pupils a look into the hidden world of what it’s like to be a wildlife photographer / filmmaker.
The competition aims to raise awareness of wildlife crime associated with shooting wildlife using catapults and we want those who use catapults to consider a new way of shooting wildlife, one which could set them upon a career of a lifetime!
This competition gives you a chance to ‘shoot’ wildlife with your camera, be it a DSLR or smart phone, the camera you use does not matter. We want you to express your passion and love for nature through the medium of photography… who knows this could be the beginning of something bigger and could even spark some of you to study wildlife film and maybe even become a camera operator for the likes of BBC? If you have ever considered what it could be like to be a wildlife photographer/filmmaker this is your opportunity to give it a go.
Entry into the Competition
- Entries must be received by 21:00hrs on the evening of Sunday 2nd May 2021 (The closing date).
- The competition is open to any student in a participating school.
- By submitting an entry into the competition, you agree to follow the rules and ensure each entry complies with the rules.
- You are not allowed to submit images that:
- Have been awarded a prize from any previous competition.
- Breach any ethical or welfare rules (outlined in the ‘rules of entry’)
- Any breach of the rules will make your entry void.
- Whilst the rules and information outlined here are correct, we reserve the right to:
- Change the rules
- Change the prizes
- Cancel the competition.
Rules of Entry
- The photo must be taken by the person entering.
- We can only accept digital images.
- You can enter a maximum of four photos. Make sure the file size of each is at least 1Mb.
- Include your name, address, date of birth and your school with each entry.
- Give each photo a title and write a short description. These will be used at the judging stage to help judges understand the thoughts behind your photo.
- The closing date for all entries is 25th of April 2021.
- Keep it wild! Domestic animals (cats, dogs, and creatures in zoos) do not count as wildlife and are not allowed.
- You must not do anything to injure or distress an animal or damage its habitat in an attempt to secure an image. This includes flying a drone too low or noisily over an animal – an animal’s welfare must come first.
- Live baiting is not permitted, neither is any means of baiting that may put an animal in danger or adversely affect its behaviour, either directly or through irresponsible habituation. Any other means of attraction, including bird seed or scent, must be declared in the description.
- Surrey Police reserves the right to use any entry in non-commercial publications and exhibitions.
Image Specifications
- Entries must be in a digital format.
- Images should be in JPEG format.
- No borders, watermarks or signatures should be included.
- If your image is a winning image then you should be able to provide us with the original image.
- Digital adjustments such as cropping, sharpening, noise reduction, focus stacking are permitted providing that the image represents a true picture of nature/wildlife.
- The following image adjustments are not allowed: the removal or adding of objects, animals, plants or people.
- You should try to include this information into the image description: background story, location the image was taken, how it was taken, species, your name, address, date of birth and your school.
Judging, Awards & Prizes
- Surrey police staff will be judging your images. The top 10-20 images will be judged by Surrey Wildlife Trust’s own professional wildlife photographer Jon Hawkins.
- Prizes are:
- GoPro Action Camera
- Thorpe Park Tickets
- Wildlife Trust Memberships
- Publication into Surrey Nature Magazine
- Publication into the Surrey Bulletin (45,000 households)
Winners will be contacted in due course, once judging has been complete.